Numerous non-profit organizations in Oregon work to protect and restore the forests and waters, focusing for years on public lands. Concerns about aerial spraying, carbon emissions from the logging industry, and concerns for water quality have prompted many groups to work together to seek reforms to Oregon's state logging laws, as well as maintaining protections on federal public lands. Oregon Wild is at the forefront of these efforts.
In March 2018, Oregon Wild's "Clearcut Express" ad campaign will grace TriMet MAX trains and buses in Portland. The MAX train ad shows a grisly scene Portlanders may not be used to seeing up close, but that rural Oregonians are confronted with every day - clearcutting at a massive scale. Ads on TriMet buses also state an ugly truth: "Clearcuts = Climate Change." The Clearcut Express is an effort to draw attention to the weak logging rules that degrade the clean air and water, and beautiful scenery many Oregonians take for granted, and a clear reminder that Oregon is not the environmental leader many believe we are.
This is the 2nd ad campaign calling attention to this problem. In 2013, Oregon Wild and partners launched its first "Clearcut Oregon" ad campaign, featuring a billboard-style ad planned at the Portland and Eugene airports, to draw attention to the shortcomings of the rules governing logging in Oregon and to the all-too-common practice of clearcutting in our state. The Port of Portland refused to run the ad, deeming it too controversial, though their judgement was ultimately rejected by the court.
In March 2018, Oregon Wild's "Clearcut Express" ad campaign will grace TriMet MAX trains and buses in Portland. The MAX train ad shows a grisly scene Portlanders may not be used to seeing up close, but that rural Oregonians are confronted with every day - clearcutting at a massive scale. Ads on TriMet buses also state an ugly truth: "Clearcuts = Climate Change." The Clearcut Express is an effort to draw attention to the weak logging rules that degrade the clean air and water, and beautiful scenery many Oregonians take for granted, and a clear reminder that Oregon is not the environmental leader many believe we are.
This is the 2nd ad campaign calling attention to this problem. In 2013, Oregon Wild and partners launched its first "Clearcut Oregon" ad campaign, featuring a billboard-style ad planned at the Portland and Eugene airports, to draw attention to the shortcomings of the rules governing logging in Oregon and to the all-too-common practice of clearcutting in our state. The Port of Portland refused to run the ad, deeming it too controversial, though their judgement was ultimately rejected by the court.